
26 For 26

The Toronto—St. Paul’s PC Riding Association has introduced a new initiative called 26 for 26. It is based on ‘$26 for 26’. That’s a political donation of $26 each month as we prepare for the next election coming in 2026. That $26 monthly donation entitles you to a tax credit worth up to $19.50 making your actual cost only $6.50 per month. For a full year, your donations would represent $312 or a net cost of $78 after a $234 tax credit. Through this initiative and your support, you can help to ensure our ability to provide appropriate campaign funding for the election of a PC Candidate in Toronto—St. Paul’s.

How do I join?

Select the $26 amount below. Click next and fill in the information boxes. Click next again to enter your credit card information, then follow the prompts to process your donation.

Your Donation

Money saved after tax credits:

Personal Information

Payment Information

How can I terminate my participation?

At any time, use the ‘Contact’ button on the same site to request we end your participation.

When do I get my tax receipt?

You’ll receive an immediate email confirmation of each donation and a tax receipt by Feb 28 in the next year.

Thank you for your support of the Toronto—St. Paul’s PC Riding Association. Together, let’s get it done!

Bonnie Crombie and the Ontario Liberals Will Cost You

December 2, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO – On the occasion of the Ontario Liberals’ leadership announcement, the Ontario PCs released the following statement: “Let’s meet the Ontario Liberals’ latest leader, Bonnie Crombie. She doesn’t get the concerns of everyday people. She drives fancy cars and vacations at her home in the Hamptons. She’s been […]

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Ontario Liberals’ Rhetoric Can’t Hide Their Record in Toronto

September 20, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO – Before the Ontario Liberals’ second leadership debate, the Ontario PC Partyreleased the following statement: “In two straight elections, voters have said NO to the Liberals and stripped them of official partystatus. The people of Ontario haven’t forgotten the Liberal record: creating the healthcare crisis, firing1,600 nurses, freezing […]

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